The ink on my finger!

Sunday, May 11, 2008
At last!
I used the right i have been gifted with - 'The Right to vote' ! :)

Like any other first time voter, i too had my apprehensions about the procedure of voting. I had questions like -
- How to vote?
- What's the procedure?
- Which button to press!?

I felt like a child. It made me feel as if i was standing in a queue for an exam or a viva voce..!
But at the end, except for the looooooong beep from voting machine which made me feel a little scared, rest all turned out to be simple and fine.
(Now, that was because i had pressed and held the button too long)

.. the ink on my finger fades away but i wanted to put here for rememberance.

Have u voted?
Write to me if u need some coaching classes on that.
It's absolutely FREE !! :D


Arjun said...

haha.....I too voted, and it was a first time for me as well.....
While everyone were emanating long beeps on the machine i could hardly get a sound out of it....The security person stared, a stare which kind of suggested - "That's enough for ur vote to be counted. My God! I'm tired of telling this to everyone..!!")
And then i walked out feeling like a responsible citizen... Went home, called frnds to enquire- "u din't vote?? Oh dear, what kind of a citizen r u??"for which i got un-mentionable reactions....
Anyway, if u wish to give me any tips, pls give it on how to remove the ink mark..The more i concentrate on it , the darker it looks.... ;)


Nebula said...

@ Arjun :
That's exactly how i had felt! :D

Nikhil said...

Its been four years since I got the right, but I am ashamed to say I haven't used it so far. Only now though, do I take a keen interest in politics and have an opinion on every situation.
come next election, i'll be there !