Some things always bring a smile on our face; Like ...
- The infectious smile of an Innocent child
- Unexpected rain on a hot arid day
- Seeing that someone special
- The old Photographs
- Reading the old Hand written letters
- Walking bare foot on the lush green grass!
- Sitting on the terrace and watching the world
- Seeing People
- Floating in water!
- Breathing deeply with your arms wide open
- A warm Hug
- Watching a baby sleep..
- The feeling after finishing the last exam! :)
- Watching people eat "Center-shock" chewing gum !! :D
- The waves kissing the shore!
- Dancing, like no one is watching!
- Seeing an old couple in a movie theater packed with youngsters
- Seeing a young couple doing a cozy dance at night, in the beach!
- Running on sand
- Singing loudly on the beach with the ear phones on!
- Swatting mosquitoes with the electric bat! :D
- Watching the crimson orange Sun, which is all set to set!
- Making others smile!
Smile on,
Loads of Love!! :)