Turn-off Factor

Saturday, September 20, 2008
It's been 5 minutes that he left my place.
But I still feel his presence. Wonder if its the centralized AC which
makes me feel that way or just the stupid nose of mine which is not letting go the air it breathed just few minutes ago.

'He', my colleague just walked over to say the final Good bye before quitting the company. Everything was fine until he opened his mouth. I literally had to push my chair 4 feet back from it's original position. The gush of wind can have so much of an impact.
BAD breath !!
God! It's such a turn off factor!!

How can one not know how to brush properly ?? Is it the lack of Dentist camps in school days which make people careless ? or is it simply laziness ?!

How can the 'close' friends, parents, relatives choose not to complain ? Don't they find it disgusting?
If not them, who can really tell them that they need to see the dentist IMMEDIATELY for a clean up!?
God Bless ALL.

Did Sleeping beauty have the habit of brushing twice?!
I'll assume she did; otherwise Prince charming wouldn't have cared, dared or even risked a kiss!


Chaioholic said...

Lol;) I so felt sumthin else till i saw the bad breath example.Nice one....

Anonymous said...

Hope he reads this post.

Unknown said...

Nice build up, the you dropped a bomb shell. but really nice way to give " Gyaan"

Wap said...

lol.. :D
See.? Another reason not to have a long nose.. ;-)
And seriously.. Why did u take ur nose around his mouth.. hmm.? Wat were u tryin.? :P :D

Anand said...

umm have you been in a conference room with people with BO on a hot humid day when the AC has broken down
there is nowhere to run. I now carry a hanky with some perfume dabbed on it and mutter from behind that refuge
(first time reader of this blog - navigated over from Bitsian blogger list)

Succulent said...

I pity the guy who is going to come along (with you in future)!! least i thank god for not being that 'he'. Else am damaged and buried in this blog :)

Chandni said...

Ha ha I liked the last bit about sleeping beauty!!!

Interesting blog :)

Nebula said...

Thanks Everyone!! :)

@Chaggoholic - :)

@Aks - Even if he does, he won't know who 'he' is ! :P

@Wap - Now, you the one with a short nose, That's exaggeration!!

@Zephyr - I have tried that, then end up acting as if i have a terrible cold ;)

@Succulent - Oh well ! Even if the dentist gives the clearance, it's never gonna be him :D

@Chandni - Danke! Welcome to this space :)

Bhuwanesh said...

Well this one is for all the guys who are looking out for a date :) Nice turn offs, one to mention. Well Nebula But did u put this into his notice ?